When you cannot your Xmas card on our web site,

Please send me your Xmas card attached with E-mail

    To Parents and Teachers


    When you faild on sending your Xmas card on our web site, please send E-mail attached.

    Attached file is to be in a form of GIF or JPEG.
    Otherwise, we cannot open it.
    File size to be 250 KB at maximum.

    E-mail includes the followings

    E-mail address, address, name, phone number of sender
    Name, school, grade of artist
    Message to Miyake Children

    We indicate the name only on web site. If you feel not so good, please contant with us by E-mail. We always take care of your privacy and copyright.

    Send it to

    E-mail: mura@iamp.tohoku.ac.jp
